Office Live Workspace VS. Google Docs

OLW vs. GD

Google Docs and Office Live Workspace are essentially free online storage and sharing web applications. They are very similar; however each has its own unique set of features. Below is an outline of the features that each application provides relating to file extension support, folder trees, file sizes, upload/download features and online document creation and editing.


Google Docs supports:

  1. Documents (up to 500kb)
    • HTML files and Plain text
    • Microsoft Word, Rich Text, OpenDocument Text and Star Office

  1. Presentations (up to 10MB from Computer, 2MB from the web, 500KB from email)
    • Microsoft Powerpoint

  1. Spreadsheets (up to 1MB)
    • Comma Separated Value
    • Microsoft Excel and OpenDocument Spreadsheet

Limit of 1000 spread sheets

  1. PDF (10MB from computer and 2MB from web)

Overall, there is a combined limit of 5000 documents and presentations and 5000 images with Google Docs. Office Live Workspace allows for individual file sizes up to 25MB regardless of file type and up to 5GB of storage.

Office Live Workspace supports all of these files listed above however, has a blocked list which users can not upload for the protection of the user.


In terms of layout of folders in the two web applications the easiest is definitely Google Docs. It is very similar to what a user would be utilising on their computer already in My Computer. The folder tree is on the right and uses plus and minus signs to signify extending and collapsing of folders. It also allows for subfolders to be added. This is different from what Office Live Workspace offers. OLW offers ‘workspaces’ which is basically a folder containing folders you want to combine together. However, there is no option for subfolders and I think it is harder for the user to comprehend. On both there is no drag and drop capability.


Both web applications offer online creation and editing of documents in real time. However, files cannot be edited within a workspace on OLW Microsoft Office opens upon clicking ‘edit’. Add ons have to be downloaded and browsers shut to complete installation (annoying).


OLW posts documents to your workspace by clicking ‘add documents’ button. A pop up of files from My Documents appears. User selects document to upload and the document file appears on the workspace. GD is similar, however the user is navigated away from the page upon clicking on the ‘upload’ button. The user can select ‘Browse’, or entering a URL and gives the option of renaming the file. I have just been prompted by GD that they don’t support docX. I select a different file to upload and it appears in front of me and provides me with all the editing tools that are available on Microsoft Office.

Downloading files that I have created online are easily downloadable through clicking on the file so it appears. Selecting ‘file’ then ‘download file as..’. There are many options as to how you wish to download this file.


I prefer and recommend Google Documents. It is easier to use and would be much more familiar to any PC user. The OLW has a unique touch however, it was too fiddly when it came to editing documents (add ons had to be downloaded and browsers shut to complete installation). GD was far more streamlined in the folder structure and general layout.

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