The Tag

Lorem Ipsum
The purpose of the <form> tag is to create an application like box in which a user can input data.  Form tags are used for survey like web pages where a user may need to input data such as ‘Name’.

The typical contents found between <form> and </form> is the ‘action’ attribute, ‘method’ attribute, ‘div’ element, ‘label’ element, ‘input’ element, ‘textarea’ element, ‘row and column’ attributes, ‘size’ attribute, and  ‘input’ element.

The ‘action’ attribute specifies a URL to where information from the form is to be sent. The ‘method’ attribute specifies the HTTP method that will be used to make the request. This is either done via the ‘get’ or ‘post’ attributes.  The ‘div’ element defines logical divisions within the document. This means that when you use a <div> element, you are indicating that the enclosed content is a specific section of the page. The ‘label’ element is used to associate text with another element on the form. For example ‘age’ is the label.  The ‘input’ and ‘textarea’ elements are HTML controls. The ‘input’ element displays a box one character tall by a number of characters wide that is specified using the ‘size’ attribute. The ‘textarea’ control is similar however, it allows the user to enter multiple lines of data. The size of ‘textarea’ is specified using row and column attributes. These are the typical contents that are found between <form> and </form>. ‘Enctype’ determines how the form data is encoded. Whenever data is transmitted from one place to another, there needs to be an agreed upon means of representing that data.

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